I assist clients in finding vocations and jobs that are well-matched with a one’s essence. The process includes the following elements:

1) Encouraging the identification of one’s favorite responsibilities and best skills utilized in past jobs and activities such as hobbies, volunteer positions and other extracurricular activities.

2) Taking an inventory of skills, types of people with whom one interacts and settings where one spends time via journaling about each with related feelings.

3) Read career identification books such as The Pathfinder by Nicholas Lore and What Color is Your Parachute by Richard Bolles which help not only identify skills but people and contexts that match one’s needs.

4) Identify best skills that one enjoys using.

5) Complete values clarification exercise to help develop a hierarchy of values and purpose.

6) Help with the discovery of a calling or mission.

7) Provide assistance with interview preparation via developing a brand identity and positioning statement, demonstration of fit, communication of strengths and passion and assistance with negotiation of a compensation package by showing one’s value proposition. 



Please click in the link below to learn about the most recent success stories of my clients.   Names have been changed for privacy purposes. Career coaching success stories.


Insurers do not cover this service. The cost for one hour consultation is $150, cash or check only.  



Assist undergraduate and graduate students identify aptitudes, abilities, skills, and interests/passions and based on these strengths, help one develop a focus such as major field of study or value proposition to a college.  Aide student in crafting personal statements and preparation for interviewing. 


Please click in the link below to learn about the most recent success stories of my clients.   Names have been changed for privacy purposes. Writing coaching success stories.


Insurers do not cover this service.  The cost for one hour service is $150, cash or check only.